Goodbye, Uncle Max.....
Ju-Ju and Pop-Pop's beloved dog Max died today. I didn't live near enough to know him very well, and except for pictures, I won't even remember him when I grow up, but he taught me how important it is to love animals and to treat them nicely, and that will stay with me my whole life.
Mommy lived at home with Max before she and Daddy got married. Daddy didn't get to meet Max until he came to visit Mommy once:

This is Max making sure that my diaper was changed correctly, when I was just a few days old (Ju-Ju, Pop-Pop, and Max were visiting right after I was born):

This is my first camping trip, when I was about 6 weeks old. Max made sure I was never left alone, and watched over me while I slept:

I also visited Max (and Ju-Ju and Pop-Pop) in August, and had lots of fun learning to pet him right so I didn't hurt him. You can read about that visit in my August 4th and 5th posts.... (there are a couple more pictures of me with Max, there.)
Max, thank you for being such a good friend to me, and to so many. I know that Ju-Ju and Pop-Pop will always miss you.....